"Gas has many positive attributes, but it can only be delivered just-in-time". Actuallly NatGas can be stored to avoid just in time delivery to the power plants. There are several methods of storage in use nowadays such as depleted salt mines,

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"the hydrocarbon looming over COP28 was coal". Please, coal is not a hydrocarbon.

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Chris, couldn’t agree more. A fake, empty suit. He and Biden are sole mates. No, these soulless clods have no souls but the intelligence of sole.

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The essential point that must be embraced politically is that net zero is not a reasonable, let alone achievable, ambition for global climate policy.

In fact, we are at a point that where the entire UN process would more productively focus on how to take out CO2 from the atmosphere at scale that the economically and politically impossible goal of net zero.

Conservative politicians must lead the Western democracies to reject net zero.

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Robert, you are a gem. Thank you so much for your tireless writing and advocacy. If only I possessed your energy and resolve.

A very Happy Christmas to you and yours.


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I predict Africa will also turn to coal and usage will double before it starts to fall in the 2nd half of the century.

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The only interesting development at the conference were the nuclear pledges by 22 countries. Nuclear is going to be a massive part of future energy grids of almost all countries.

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So basically the whole Cop deal in Dubai??? Was just a very expensive, wasteful, CO2 emission filled cocktail party, full of words but saying nothing.

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“Coal has dominated the electric sector since the days of Edison despite its many downsides, including high CO2 emissions, air pollution, and significant amounts of solid waste.”

Air pollution and solid waste are objectively downsides. CO2 emissions are not. You should not buy into the false panic that rising CO2 emissions are somehow “bad” for “the planet”. CO2 levels have historically been much higher than they are now, and the available evidence points to extreme cold - associated with CO2 levels below a certain ppm concentration - as being associated with mass death, while higher CO2 concentrations are associated with flourishing life.

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John Kerry is as successful at telling the truth in the area of energy production and consumption as he was as a candidate for the US Presidency. He is a bony, empty suit masquerading as an energy, farm production, and dietary expert. What a clod of dirt is that man on the soles of a peasant's feet.

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I'm confused. The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that "CPO28 Nations Agree for First Time to Transition Away from Fossil Fuels" with aim of net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. Perhaps that happened after press time of this otherwise very interesting article on coal (?)

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With oil at $68, I can’t imagine coal is very profitable in the short term.

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Not much to add to this excellent article. Only the following : When politicians and activists impact and control the energy infrastructure, Western countries are heading for a tailspin and disaster of enormous proportions. The amount of hypocrisy, scientific and historical ignorance is mind boggling. Go massively nuclear. Now.

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I was a proponent of coal to gas switching across the board; this article was enlightening to the fact that over investing in gas and trying to eliminate coal has its own unique set of risks.

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John Kerry said, “There shouldn't be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world.”

It's hard to even express how asinine that statement is by John Kerry.

The following definition is from Google AI.

"'Asinine' means a failure to use normal rationality or perception. It is used to describe someone or something that is very foolish."

Some synonyms for the word "asinine" include:

Foolish, Silly, Simple, Fatuous, Stupid, Idiotic, Imbecilic, Moronic, Senseless.

I don't normally want or try to be so unkind in my assessment of opinions or statements, however Mr. John Kerry's statement above is one for the ages.

I'm going to stop here before I say what I really think about John Kerry or his ideology.

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All those solar panels (and windmills) will end up in landfill in 20 years too. Has anyone seriously investigated the environmental damage to soil and underground water bodies from that? Energy-dilute parasites which take enormous amounts of hydrocarbons and metals to produce are then just chucked away. What a crappy trade-off. Green carpet-baggers get better pots to piss in is all, to quote the film "Wall Street".

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