Walter Kirn had an interesting observation yesterday: AI performance is highly correlated with energy consumption. That makes AI a parasite on a critical resource - and perhaps, one day, a predator.


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What if … just what if … extracting energy from air (wind) is NOT “renewable”, but is more like draining a battery or an oil reservoir?

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would love to hear your thoughts on the recent PJM auction as it relates to coal and electricity supply/demand in the medium and long term. Thanks for all you do!

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The world's countries as a whole generated 1,870.3 terawatt hours (TWh) of wind energy in 2021 so you think they should stop and replace windmills with coal power ? Why ?

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And you can’t seem to use google either .

What in the world makes you think I don’t read EIA ?

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Why don't all the energy haters give up energy use? And "yes", that's a serious question.

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So how horrific will a Harris Presidency coupled with a Democratic controlled Congress?

How much more economic contraction will be imposed , all in the name of climate change mitigation?

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Mr. Bryce,

After reading your article, I have to compliment you once again for nailing it to the point. This time, I also have to commend you for making me laugh out loud multiple times, especially with "tutti frutti hydrogen." 😂 You certainly have a remarkable talent for comedy. Have you ever considered writing a Hollywood movie script?

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I've been an advocate for nuclear power for nearly 40 years, when in high school my physics teacher taught me the science behind a nuclear explosion. This was in the 1970s, and I thought this was the answer to all our energy needs. I am ashamed that our congressional leaders haven't understood that wind and solar will never provide the energy we need going forward. Massive spending and subsidies for those technologies will never produce the power needed going forward.

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The subsidies for wind and solar are a giant malinvestment and are a red line for me. Support them and you don't get my vote.

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China is now building 95% of all of the new coal plants in the world. https://www.carbonbrief.org/china-responsible-for-95-of-new-coal-power-construction-in-2023-report-says/

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Thank you, Robert, for taking the effort to inform and educate us in the area of Global Power Demand. I always look forward to your writings.

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Robert, you continue to inform and inspire me with your commentary.

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1 MW of capacity in 2009 produced 4,312 MWh of electricity. In 2020, 1 MW of capacity generated 3,094 MWh, a decline of 28.3 percent. It’s as clear as can be: investment in renewables shrinks the economy’s productive potential.

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Not being political here, but any politician who supports wind turbines in any way (other than supporting their removal) should have their homes wired with a "Sgt. Schultz-Schmaht-Lectrick -Metur" that supplies voltage correlated with local wind or closest wind "farm". No using a fossil fuel generator to make it up, but they can buy all the batteries they want, install roof top solar, geothermal or a micro-SMR.

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I'm a bit skeptical about China increasing electricity usage by 6.5% this year. That's about 50% above the country's expected growth weight. However, it could be true if they are being wasteful -- lots of energy to build houses and factories and offices that go unused.

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