
Matt Ridley: Britain’s Solar Output In December Is “The Square Root Of Sod All”

My first podcast here on Substack is with one of my favorite authors, who says Britain’s energy policies are “collective madness.”

I’m back in the podcast game!

And I am super pleased that the first guest on The Robert Bryce Show is one of my favorite people, Matt Ridley. Matt is a birdwatcher, essayist, and a prolific writer. He’s the author of ten books. His most recent one, which he co-wrote with Alina Chan, is Viral: The Search For the Origin of Covid-19. In this episode, we talk about Britain’s insane energy policies, the closure of the country’s last blast furnace, his investigation into Covid, why he now is convinced the pandemic was caused by a lab leak, and much more.

Stay tuned.

I love Substack and will be doing more podcasts on this platform. Future podcasts will be for paid subscribers only. So by all means, please subscribe.

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