Can we share your slides on FB? This is a great article in full, but the immediate impact of single slides cannot be underestimated. Please keep getting the word out there that OSW is an environmental disaster, as well as pure economic folly!

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Yes, you are welcome to share the slides. And yes, offshore wind is facing enormous opposition as well. I meant to include it in the piece. But I can't include everything...

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Great article! How does this get into broader news exposure? It is almost impossible to get news coverage on these issues.

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And the UK government insist that GB Energy will ‘lower prices’ 🤣🤣🤣

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Definitely not a ‘by-catch’ whale from the fish industry though? Thousands are caught in their nets.

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Maryland here. Our glorious state Democrat party has relentlessly sold it's residents down the river, first by selling state owned generation which of course caused us to enter the auction market and get skinned for it. And now they scream "free energy!" and have smashed wind farms (mountain topping like miners to root wind farms) and planned solar takeovers of farmland into our faces. In fifteen years we've gone from state run nuclear and coal Gen at 4.5-6 cents to auction pricing plus "renewables" mandates at nearly triple that. How's that for helping the common man and caring for the vulnerable.

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As a long-time advocate of ocean protection, I am interested in what you say (based on science) are the top 5-10 most harmful activities regarding ocean protection? Seems to me if the goal is ocean protection that list should tell us where the focus needs to be.

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I note you say tax credits, not tax deductions. If correct, then at a 25% corporate tax rate, a $2B tax credit shields $8B in reported profits. That’s some motivation!

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CGNP looks forward to your upcoming Substack article regarding the folly of constructing experimental floating offshore wind platforms off the California Central Coast instead of relying on safe, abundant, reliable, cost-effective, zero-emission nuclear power. The proposed floating wind platforms are on migration pathways for birds and large marine mammals. Both populations will suffer significant deaths. Here's a shout out to one of the local groups opposed to this industrialization: https://www.reactalliance.org/ Here's a link to your excellent 80 minute July 9, 2024 talk "The Energy Transition, Offshore Wind, and the Real Fuels of the Future." sponsored by Green Oceans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3aSTInWX9Y

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Avangrid is owned by Iberdrole. Iberdrole owns significant e energy platforms on 5he West Coast including Columbia River Gorge wind projects, and Klamath Falls Combined Cycle plant.

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Iberdrola, my bad

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The coverup will get larger; too much money in the nonsensical, animal killing windmills.

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These claims are false. There is NO EVIDENCE of any whale ever being harmed by a wind turbine. All known deaths have been the result of ship traffic impacts or fishing gear entanglement. See https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/are-offshore-wind-farms-harming-right-whales/

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I appreciate a marine scientist like yourself contributing to this conversation and providing a link to a credible authority on this issue. I’ve read some articles from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and it appears that off shore wind turbines may pose little risk to whales especially if known risks are mitigated (ie: avoiding pile driving if whales are in the vicinity and monitoring whale activity to avoid collisions with ships involved with turbine construction.) Perhaps opponents to off shore wind projects have valid arguments against these projects based upon economics, technical issues, threats to grid reliability, etc. I honestly don’t know. At any rate, it’s good to know that so many anti-wind people are concerned about the welfare of whales. I’m sure they will donate their time and money to support causes and institutions that are committed to protect the whales (not holding my breath, though.)

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Thanks for your support. I was trying for brevity, but there is a dark money trail supporting the false claims, and many more sources debunking them; see https://ecologistatlarge.substack.com/p/8-whales-v-wind-turbines-truth-v.

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Offshore wind turbines not only affect whales and chomp up bird life but could also be disturbing weather patterns as discussed in https://www.mkscienceset.com/articles_file/433-_article1712237858.pdf.

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Why is is Big Solar mentioned here any evidence on impacts of Big Solar?

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It sucks to be a liberal nowadays, having to pimp and whore yourself out to a democrat party that has nothing but a perfect lifetime record of turning every organization, village, town, city, county, state, and country they run into a sihithole!

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