Waiting for Oz lawmakers to get the message ...

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COP is the 21st century's League of Nations.

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I am surprised that Robert Bryce even mentions 'emissions from China and India' and why China would reduce its coal consumption, provided they scrub the CO2 gas emitted of particulate matter and toxic substances, which they do.. I'm sure China has physicists of the caliber of Richard Lindzen, William Happer, William Van Wijngaarden, and, of course, John F. Clauser, who was the recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. These leading scientists believe that CO2 gas is good for our world, providing food for forests, grasses, and ocean algae. The planet has, in fact greened, 15 percent since the 1950 because of CO2 fertilizations.

China's advice from its physicists, geologists, and atmospheric scientists is similar to that of our experts who do not have other agendas. The Chinese system would not allow scientists to be wooed by the political class, which looks after its mates in big business with its penchant for solar panels and windmills. We know that the CO2 story is the height of mythology for nefarious purposes. This agenda is their Achilles Heel and is becoming undone every day.

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That so many key heads of state... specifically those cited... passed on this meeting certainly appears to be a tell.

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Thanks for not mentioning our virtue signaling idiot Trudeau as having blown off COP29 but it would be instructive to repeat his words at the G8 or G20 summit earlier this week that he basically doesn’t care how climate policy degrades peoples lives.

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Thanks. I didn't know about Trudeau skipping the Baku meeting.

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Coal: Perhaps you want to consider when you compare the U.S. and China that there may be a slight difference of energy consumption of 1.3 billion people and 333 billion people, apart from all the industrial production that the U.S. has outsourced to China. Then please consider the total number of EV on both sides, which all want to be charged tomorrow, not in 10 years. Not to mention AI datacenter energy consumption.

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COP is just now closing? Why does it take so long to do nothing? I won't get in to the carbon issues, but has anyone counted the number of bartenders per attendee?

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It’s a party, when you travel that far, you stay for a while.

John Robson took it in, his perspective is always useful.


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To be fair, Biden forgot he was against mines before he was for them.

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Somehow I suspect that it's all Trump's fault, just as America's lone dissent from the UN tribunal to officially demand a ceasefire in the mideast [what hostages? where?]. Trump is like those meddling kids from Scooby Doo, who appears on the scene at pivotal moments to wreck our utopian Star Trek future. In my spare time, I looked over some old Star Trek episodes and the political leanings of Gene Roddenberry, and it wasn't too difficult to understand why so much of the western world fantasizes about the aspirational promise of the UN, and ignores the vast gulf between pitch deck and reality. "But we meant well!!" is a fitting epitaph for the Extremely Concerned Boomers and Millennials, as if they were the first generations to arrive on Earth with an innately calibrated moral compass. When I heard both David Attenborough and Jane Goodall suggest without irony a version of the Al Gore/John Kerry ethos [nobody should fly, except me, when my accountant tells me it can be considered work-related], I felt like the Kyoto Protocols had jumped the shark.

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I live in WA State. Gov. Inslee decided to call me and others that supported Initiative 2066 “miscreants.” Then he blew a whole lot of travel expense and airplane fuel money to go to Baku and say stupid crap like this. So much for his desire to decarbonize. 🙄 Initiative 2066 shows a majority of voters do not trust lawmakers’ current plan to deliver on that promise of a future with a reliable and affordable supply of energy to homes and businesses. I don’t often agree with Seattle Times editorials. This one, I do agree with: https://archive.ph/2024.11.15-233701/https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/heed-wa-voters-concerns-in-transition-away-from-natural-gas/

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Agree. That's a good piece. The push to ban nat gas in homes and businesses is coming from a bunch of dark money NGOs. The fact that I-2066 was rejected by WA voters is an important signal about what consumers want. As I wrote a few days ago, a measure to tax nat gas in Berkeley, CA, was also rejected. The lesson: even the most liberal voters like natty.

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If only there were a way for people who are geographically distant from each other to meet electronically.

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Zoom doesn't have a "social hour" or "reception" app!

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It also doesn’t serve steak and lobster

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I recommend more perusal of and thought about history, Robert. Appeasing dictators never works. The ultimate cost in lives and funds of putting Putin back in his box only increases with every day the West fails so commit itself to doing so. Putin clearly will not stop with Ukraine. How much of Europe will have to fall before the US realizes the historical imperative here? I strongly recommend the substack by Phillips O'Brien https://phillipspobrien.substack.com/

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May take more “umph” to put Putin back in his box than our DEI military can muster. Always remember that the generals and the admirals want to go home to their wives and children.

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Robert - why wade in to the debate on the subject of Ukraine? You’re an energy expert not a foreign policy wonk. Once you start writing about your views outside your expertise, I’m just paying for something I can get from my crotchety neighbor for free - uninformed opinion.

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Uninformed opinion? What I see is a dangerous escalation of the war. It doesn't take much expertise to see that.

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So, I guess it's alright with you and Matt Taibbi that the Russians fire long-range missiles and drones into Ukraine aimed at civilian targets and lay mines in eastern Ukraine, but it's not okay for the US and NATO to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles that are meant to destroy military sites and mines that can impede Russian troops from moving further into Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine and has killed thousands, and displaced millions of civilians and destroyed Ukrainian civilian infrastructure in its attempt to eliminate Ukraine as a sovereign nation.

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1. This is a war.

2. You disingenuously discount the historical narrative.

3. You deliberately fail to understand what it might mean to a country’s security to have enemy nukes on your border.

4. The DEMOCRATICALLY elected President of Ukraine had to flee for his life in the face of a coup directed by Victoria Nuland.

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Mr. Curtis, you seem to be ignorant of the causes of the war in Ukraine. Perhaps because of the constant, lying propaganda of the Biden Administration and legacy media. The US organized a coup in 2014, forcing out the elected president they didn’t like, and replacing him with their choice. Since then, they tried to develop weapons capacity aimed at Russia. Russia warned the U.S. and NATO this was intolerable (just as America would if the Russians tried to arm Mexico). This is not the best forum for a debate, but if you want to know the facts, this analysis by Jeffrey Sachs is a good place to start https://consortiumnews.com/2023/09/21/jeffrey-sachs-nato-expansion-ukraines-destruction/. It’s the Biden-Harris policy that’s causing so many Ukrainians to die senselessly.

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You have fully bought into Russian propaganda about the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the subsequent Euromaidan Revolution in 2013-2014, which were grass roots pro-democracy rebellions of Ukrainians against the Russian-backed President Yanukovych that resulted in Yanukovych fleeing the country to Russia and the establishment of democracy in Ukraine. Ukraine has developed their military since the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014 to defend themselves from the Russians.

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Thanks for the summary of the Deep State/Biden-Harris administration propaganda. As I said before, this is a poor format for debate. But anyone seeking facts can get the detailed overview from the Jeff Sachs report I linked. And anyone with the slightest ability to think can imagine the US response to Russia establishing weapons under their control in Mexico.

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He has bought it hook line and sinker.

Those that lie to us about everything are telling nothing but the truth on Ukraine.


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See my comment above. Yes, Russia invaded Ukraine. And yes, the damage and death toll are horrific. But what I see is an escalation by a lame-duck president. And as Taibbi points out, it's not clear who in the administration made the decision to do this.

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As Aristotle famously observed, All Roads Lead to Mayorkas...

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Thanks for this… it puts into perspective what many of us have been saying all along, that NetZero is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable and extremely foolish. And especially as the “rest” of the global economies continue to do nothing anyway. It fits with the notion of focused adaption for “high risk areas” and will allow us to get on with prosperity using the power of Fossil fuels.

More at …. https://nigelsouthway.substack.com/p/no-netzero

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Per the Chris Wright, the nominee to head the US DOE: Zero Energy Poverty by 2050 is a superior goal compared to Net Zero 2050.

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I fear the blob simply won’t allow Trump’s common sense appointees to take power

Lots of weird stuff going on out there

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