Congrats! Super inspiring. May I ask what caused the subscription count going vertical before Jan 23?

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Hi. I'm not sure which time period you are talking about. If you are talking about when I moved to Substack, I started with about 2200 subscribers when I moved from Mailchimp.

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Congratulations, my good friend. Your reporting mirrors the unique truth of the Gospels. It’s amazing how people yearn for the truth. Keep up doing God‘s work, reveal the truth and light the way! Preferably with that light coming from natural gas to nuclear.

Cheers to “Energy Humanism!”

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Many thanks, John.

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Congrats, Robert. This success is well earned and deserved. 👍👍👏

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Thanks, 'Mental. I'm doing my best.

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I only recently started writing on Substack, and the engagement has been fantastic. I like that it appears to let me write for an audience. Over on X, post engagement appears entirely random. You can't post links, as that kills engagement. I found even tagging people kills engagement. Ultimately, it's hard to share and comment on reporting on X, and the platform is very much geared toward those with lots of followers. Other than that, it's a crap shoot as to what kind of engagement I'll get. You're writing on X for the algorithm and not the audience, and the algorithm is hard to figure out. On Substack, however, it appears the articles do well according to what readers like. It's much nicer writing for people than computers.

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Big fans of your work for Cowboy State Daily before you joined Substack. Good on you.

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Thank you for all that you do - you are an inspiration to all that read your material and watch your videos/podcasts. In my little world of commenting on WSJ articles and elsewhere, I frequently cite your work along with others like Mark Mills. Quick question - has the Trump administration approached you and would you consider working with Chris Wright if asked? I know you are not a Trump fan, but he has an opportunity to completely reshape our energy policies and more voices like yours would help in that effort.

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Thanks much. Re working for Chris Wright or going to Washington to work at DOE, I can't really see that happening. I'm a terrible employee, particularly now that I'm deep in my decrepitude. I think I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. And that's a very good feeling.

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Thank you Robert for your books, speeches, minute clips, podcasts and for coming to Substack. Your voice is one of reason and I hope you see continued success getting your message out.

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Thank you.

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Great BRAVO.

Energy efficiency on the supply side of the equation is causing system adequacy calculations to go below acceptable. Firm generation is needed in big numbers. PNW.

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It has been a great year. I’ve watched read and even participated inthe articles, videos etc. that you have produced. As we are fond of saying reality, physics, and thermodynamics will eventually win, but we need to remember you and the other front line soldiers who spread the message, make the case, do the math and dare speak the unspeakable. Thank you Robert. You are indeed a treasure.

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That's very kind. Thanks, Lee.

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Tofino Really? It's a great place to visit. You must have been talking to the inner sanctum of Canadian politics. I sure hope they listen to you! Thanks for all you do.

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Agree. Tofino was amazing. The beaches there are among the most beautiful I've ever seen.

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Robert Bryce is a national treasure. His reporting is essential to understanding all events that are energy-related.

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That's very kind. Thanks.

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Brilliant work Robert. It's been an enlightening pleasure to have found and subscribed to your substack.

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Wow. Thanks.

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Down here in Australia the current leftist government is using climate catastrophism to win votes and sell the idea we can become a "renewable energy superpower". Meanwhile our electric grid is on life support and energy prices are soaring. We are on the road to economic suicide.

All this while our vast exports of coal, LNG and uranium provide the energy to sustain the booming economies of Asia and generate the bulk of Australia's export income - to finance our high spending government and renewable energy rent seekers. It's simply nuts!

Australia, and the world, desperately needs intelligent reporters such as yourself to draw attention to the current ideologically driven energy suicide of Western economies. Thank you Robert, and thank you Substack.

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Thank you. Yes, Australia has, like Britain and Germany and California, driven itself into the climate ditch. The Aussies will sell their coal, gas, and U to the rest of the world but they aren't using it at home. Insane.

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Congrats!! Looks like our friend Wright is getting some heat!!

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Chris may be getting some heat but he will be confirmed. Count on it.

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Congratulations Robert on your two years anniversary on Substack. I appreciate your reporting. I love Substack for the same reasons. You uncover and publicize important information regarding electricity generation that is unavailable from the MSM and most of academia. Are you working on any new books?

I continue to refer to your 2003 classic Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron https://www.amazon.com/Pipe-Dreams-Greed-Death-Enron/dp/158648201 in Californians for Green Nuclear Power's fight against corporations exploiting California's need to import huge quantities (about 100 terawatt-hours per year) of electric power. See https://greennuke.substack.com/ for details.

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